You think my husband is cheating on me?

adult, bar cafe, city

"You think my husband is cheating on me?"

She asked me, and I have been dreading the anticipation of that question for a while now.

Because I have always known the answer.

Instead of giving her the answer,
I told her, "Don’t think about it. Please. Suspicion is a slow poison."
She was blushed in embarrassment. This was perhaps the first time she had dared to bring her ‘biggest fear’ to her lips.
I changed the topic.

I don’t really know what’s the universal solution for cheating spouses. Should you leave them? Should you be forgiving them, if/when they come around? Should you never confront them?

I don’t know the answer. I write this post for all the women out there as a reminder that 'don’t leave your self so much behind in marriage that you are forced to continue (in your marriage) even when you don’t want to'. 

Don't forget your own self in marriage.
You don't have to accept this as your fate and stick around because you don't have a choice.  Be strong.
Be so strong that your man fears that you will walk away and not the other way around.

And seriously, you don’t need him to define your existence. I learnt it when my father  told me "I have brought you up to be so strong that you can take care of yourselves and you don’t need a man to define your existence".

How you deal with various situations in your marriage is left to you.

No one can tell you what to do.
My best friend cheated on his girlfriend, multiple times. She knew about it but stayed calm. She gave him chances and more chances; and one day she walked away and didn’t look back, at all. He kept begging her to come back, she didn’t. He got married to another woman never cheated on her(so far).

I met his ex and she looked happy. 

Single but happy.

She said,
worse feeling is being cheated on, and lied to.. even worst is when you give them another chance but you can never trust them again.. I am happy being single. 
Because this way no one can hurt me. 
I am happy for him that he is married to someone else. 
But no cell of my body wants him back
and that’s my happy ending”


Your happy ending is either not wanting him at all, or forgiving him completely to make a new start. But don’t stick around hoping he will change. Don't forgive him just to be suspicious of him all the time. If you decide to leave, just leave. If you decide to stay, let it be because you are sure it won’t happen again.

Please don't sit here and wonder, is he cheating on me? Seriously you deserve happy thoughts and happier ending, with or without him.

