Here why I am so pretentious

Some thoughts are so scary that it’s hard to put them down on a paper.
I am constantly surrounded by my self-doubts,
so if you see me saying “I am good at this and I am good at that”
believe me I am not showing. This is only a reminder to myself.

It's a pretense.

Deep inside me, my self-doubt takes over like the darkness in the night.
Sometimes, I  am so scared that I don’t often look inside.
I go along this pretentiousness as far as I can
then I realise I am not going anywhere at all.
It’s like walking on a treadmill, walking knowing I am not going anywhere.
It’s been 4 years and 5 years –
And it’s been that many years of me fighting with my self-doubt
Fighting with voices inside my head saying “I am no good, I am hopeless and pathetic, I am less and incompetent”.
Sometimes these thoughts takeover and sometimes the victory is mine.
The bright lipstick, the sexy dress, the cute hairdo everything here is my weapon.

I beg of you to understand me that I am fake,
because you entrust so much faith in me that my weak shoulders can’t take.
When I tell you why I fake it, I see pity in your eyes, I regret that minute,
Because I no longer know what’s in that mind.
