A note from my dairy.

A note from my dairy.

Some rainy day in July 2019, I wrote this

It's scary to even think that I will not be working for a few years or for rest of my life.
My parents tell me I need to make peace with this idea if i find someone, who can take care of me. 
Financial independence is the best thing that's happen to me so, yes it's neally impossible to think I won't be worrying again.

Also its funny to be living with this idea, as we live in the internet world and people are making money through ecommerce.
10 years ago i wanted to started a youtube channel, that never saw a day of light, 10 years ago Lilly SIngh started her youtube channel, guess who is a star today?
A few years ago i wanted to be a travel blogger, again that didnt turn out well, imagine where would i have been if i had been serious about my self employment options?
but i always though marketing is my calling i never thought of self employement but i guess this is my start.
but here is a thing i am still uncomfortable with men thinking working women are not capable of keeping a family life balance. that is ridiculous.
i work because i am talented and passionate money is one thing, my joy is in creating something everyday.
how do u expect me to me married to someone who doesn't understand my passion or my talent?
