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more notes from my dairy

I have 5 mins before i start working again But i want to write this quick note. About finding my peace in 5 mins of meditation which followed a turbulent  note in my dairy about how i felt. I really want to meditate, i remember the last time i meditated was a year ago when my dad was being taken into the operation theatre. I meditated using headspace. my then best friend as always was a bitch to me, even on a day like that. and i wept at the end of my meditation.  because i felt like i spoke to god. a spiritual high i had risen that day and since then i have been dropping. It's not because i was reasons of despair. Quite the contrary. I have a millions of reasons to be grateful, but i have a head heart and a manipulative mind (the mind that manipulates me into looking to the other side at the nothingness) this blog is where i hide my emotional thoughts, because i am a millennial and its cool for the world to know my problems but uncool for my family n friend...

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